Industry-leading LEMON Photonics

LEMON Photonics is a leading international provider of semiconductor lasers, modules and application solutions;

With international cutting-edge optical design capability, based on the three core laser modules of VCSEL, HCSEL, and EEL, we provide customers with high quality semiconductor laser application services;

Focus on applications in laser medical beauty, 3D sensing, intelligent manufacturing, automotive radar, security monitoring and other fields, and strategic cooperation with head sweeper, laser medical beauty customers,VCSEL chip shipments in 2021 million.

R&D Design

Founder nearly 20 years of optoelectronic industry experts;
2 global R&D and testing experiment centers, many invention patents and certificates.

Quality Control

ISO9001 + three global chip foundry chain certifications;

Strict manufacturing standards;

Advanced facilities.

Production Delivery

R&D, design and production in Germany, UK, Japan, USA and China;

Global certification of three chip foundry chains to safeguard the supply chain system;

Million VCSEL chips shipped in 2021.


Global certification of three chip foundry chains

to protect the supply chain system

United Kingdom
Epitaxial Foundry A
Wafer Provider A
Foundry B
Wafer Provider B
USA (optional)
Special process
Shenzhen, China

Chip Packaging A

Chip Testing A

Taiwan, China

Epitaxial Foundry B

Wafer Foundry A

Chip Testing B

Chip Packaging B

Products Sold
Happy Clients
Core Team
Globally Certified Production Lines

Core Team

Xiao Yan
Xiao Yan
Founder & CEO
B.S. in Precision Instrumentation and M.S. in Optical Engineering from Tsinghua University;
D. in Electronics and Computing from the University of Illinois, USA;
19 years of experience in laser and optoelectronics R&D in top companies;
Previously Senior Lead Engineer, Senior R&D/Project Manager at Lumentum
Extensive experience in the principle, design, process, manufacturing, testing, reliability and application of high power lasers;
Zhou Delai
Zhou Delai
Founder & CEO
B.S. in Atomic Nuclear Physics, Peking University;
D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin;
21 years of research and development experience in the laser chip industry, with many first-author publications of best-in-class results for high-power, high-efficiency lasers;
He was the senior chief laser chip designer at Lumentum;
Has led the team to realize the first mass production process of VCSEL on 6-inch wafer. The VCSEL chip realized the world's highest electro-optical conversion efficiency of 63%;
Empowering customers to create magic with advanced laser technology
To be a respected one-stop eco-partner for laser chip and light source solutions.

Professionalism, Innovation, Collaboration and Responsibility

Pragmatism and Integrity, Co-operation and Win-Win

Our Milestones

A quick look at how LEMON Photonics has grown over the years

*LEMON Photonics was founded in Shenzhen, China.

*Completed angel and a round funding.

*Won the first prize of IASIC 2018.


*Mass production of VCSEL with; leading performance in 3D sensing market.

*Completed A+ round funding.


*Launched the innovated HCSEL chip.

*"National High-tech Enterprise”.

*Won the OFweek 2020 Award.


*Developed hybrid supply chain of multi-category laser chips.

*Completed B1 round funding.

*Passed  ISO9001 authentication.


*Launched high power EEL chip product line.

*Mass production of laser modules for sensing.

*905nm multi-junction VCSEL lidar passed the customer's qualification.


*Completed B2 round funding.

*Top 10 Photonics Solutions Providers in APAC;

*Recognized by Semiconductor Review.

Our office & marketing activities

LEMON Photonics Office
Laser World of Photonics China. Messa München
CIOE-China International Optoelectronic Expo.
Shownroom of LEMON Photonics
Enmore Automotive Conference
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Our Honors


Automated Light Speed Mass Testing System
Automated Light Speed Mass Testing System
Diode lasers, diode laser modules and laser equipment
Diode lasers, diode laser modules and laser equipment
High-power high-performance semiconductor laser chips
High-power high-performance semiconductor laser chips
Semiconductor laser emission and coupling module based on a novel semiconductor laser chip
Semiconductor laser emission and coupling module based on a novel semiconductor laser chip

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